1 ago 2012

Alumnos de Lengua y Cultura II... 2A (T. mañana)

Alumnos de 2A - LYC 2 TURNO MAÑANA
1,     The Great Gatsby can be read as an allegory.
   First, look up the meaning of allegory, and find examples of well known allegories.
   Write about this allegory. Use different paragraphs to explain:
*  The general meaning of the allegory. (The beginning and the ending of the novel should give you a cue).
*  What each character stands for
   After working on this, read the author’s biography. Who do you learn about his life? Isn’t there a parallelism between the author’s life, Gatsby’s life and the ‘20s? Explain why (not). Check when the novel was written. Isn’t the novel also an instance of foreshadowing of the end of both the author and the ‘20s?
2,   One of the themes in The Great Gatsby is belonging. This is a pervasive theme in American literature and films. (Check the meaning of road movie. You’ve seen many, can you mention a few examples?) In what way is this theme present in the novel? Which characters ‘belong’? Which ones don’t? In this case too, at the beginning and at the end of the novel the author, through Nick, presents this topic quite explicitly. Find these or other instances.

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